Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Brett May is my latest QUIPS! Brett drew out and designed the set for holiday portraits. We all voted on the designs; and, as you can see, many people thought this design was the best one for this year's set. Chelsea's box looks amazing; and, as of Monday morning, we are off to work, putting together all the pieces of the set! Don't forget, everyone, wear work clothes and bring paint brushes/rollers, buckets, tarps...and a great attitude for work and fun! I think we're going to have a great time making a great looking set! Look out November, here we come! Congratulations, Brett, on a great design and a great artistic talent! You're photography is amazing as well! On a side note: thanks for helping me get my header fixed. Notice, Mr. Jones, the text is not embossed! TTFN sdg