Sunday, October 11, 2009


Well, I still haven't done post-prod on my football pics yet; so I'll probably do them later tonight or Monday. It was overcast and drizzling most of yesterday; so I just worked on Holiday Portrait forms. I had no idea how much organizing went in to make Holiday Portraits a success. I just hope we can do as well or, hopefully, better than former classes have done. I have high hopes with our class. It seems like everyone is really excited about the prospect of doing a great job. I really hope the excitement continues all the way through November 24th!

Tomorrow, we do our children's portraits. I'm shooting a two year old cutie playing dress-up. The plan was to shoot her in front of a vanity with a mirror; but I'm trying to use the KISS rule this time. I'll be shooting her with a black background in a blue dress and hot pink accessories. Hope she's happy and cooperative! I'm going to go call the Mom and re-confirm our appointment for tomorrow. It would really be a bummer if she got sick and wasn't able to make it. I met her last Wednesday; and she's absolutely adorable. She didn't want me to leave; and I had a hard time pulling myself away. It just reminded me of days gone by when our three girls were little. Time has really passed by quickly!

My sinus infection is finally going away. Yeah! It's been way too long since I started having symptoms. The second antibiotic finally worked. I didn't end up going to the airshow; I thought one more day of trying to take it easy would help me get over this thing quicker. TTFN sdg

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